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Dog Bites: Which Breeds Are the Most Dangerous?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about four and a half million people are bitten by dogs every year. Out of these, 800,000 lead to necessary medical care. Dogs bites occur to one out of every 73 people annually. Dog bites can range from a minor penetration to an attack serious enough to kill. Being careful around strange dogs, or even dogs you are familiar with, could then make a difference between walking away with a serious injury or not. Understanding which breeds are the most likely to bite is also helpful along with understanding why dogs bite so that your own behavior and that of your children can work in your favor when around them.

Injured by a dog bite involving a negligent pet owner? Reach out to Bertram & Graf, L.L.C. at (888) 398-2277 to discuss your legal options in a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

Dog Bite Information

You may have many questions when it comes to the subject of dog bites. Informing yourself then can be beneficial. One of the first things you should understand is what causes a dog to bite you in first place.

According to canine experts, dogs bite for the following reasons and in the following situations:

  • They are stressed out by something.
  • They feel threatened by something or someone.
  • They react out of a need to protect themselves or their owners.
  • They have been startled.
  • They are sick or otherwise not feeling well.
  • They bite when playing as a form of play (this can get out of hand if you engage in too vigorous roughhousing).
  • They are teased to the point where they react.

The last point should be remembered when mixing dogs and kids, especially small children who may not understand that teasing could lead to a injurious incident. Statistics show that children are those most often bitten by dogs.

Breeds Most Likely to Bite

According to the Canine Journal, the breeds most likely to bite include bulldogs, pit bulls, German Shepherds, and Jack Russell Terriers. According to the American Animal Hospitals Association, the dogs that bite the most are (in order) pit bulls, mixed breeds, German Shepherds, terriers, and rottweilers. This group also conducted an assessment of the severity of dog bites based on a research study done at Ohio State University’s Wesner Medical Center. Using 15 years of dog bite cases, they came up with the answer that the weight and head shape of a dog was one of the most important factors in how severe a dog bite would be.

The study found that dogs weighing between 66 and 100 pounds were deemed to be those most prone to bite with pit bulls leading the pack. Pit bulls had the highest percentage of dog bite incidents, followed by mixed breeds and German Shepherds. This short list is not surprising due to the fact that pit bulls were bred to fight and have powerful jaws that can crush. It is surprising in that rottweilers didn’t rate second behind pit bulls; rottweilers are also powerfully built and are often regarded as the second most likely to bite.

Statistical Information

While the subject of dog bites can sound ominous and serious, it is important to remember that, in the majority of cases, dog bites cause no or little injury. Canine Journal reports that this is the case 81 percent of the time. However, if you or your child is seriously injured by a dog whose owner has been negligent, you have legal recourse through an injury claim to obtain compensation for your medical expenses and pain and suffering.

Personalized Attention & Diligent Legal Representation in Kansas City

You can put decades of legal experience on your side if you have sustained injuries in a dog bite incident or any other type of negligence-based accident by calling Bertram & Graf, L.L.C. Our dedicated legal team includes highly-trained attorneys with a strong track record of success. We will take every legal action necessary to help you obtain the rightful compensation to which you are entitled. You pay nothing unless we win your case.

Contact Bertram & Graf, L.L.C. at (888) 398-2277 to arrange for a free consultation about your case with one of our team members today.
